3 Vol_1966_10_1


Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
Volume 10 - Number 1 Jan - 1966

Original Articles

Letter to Editor




Entering the Teens : ...3

Original Articles

Central Nervous System Effects of Some Indigenous Anti-Asthmatic Drugs : S.S. Gupta, C.B. Seth, V.S. Mathur, Mrs. e. Ghooi and R.K. Verma ...5

Influence of Vitamin-B Complex on Gastric Secretion of Dogs : T.C. Jain and B.B. Maitrya ...15

Potentiation of Morphine Analgesia with Isatin (Indolin-2, 3 Dione) : M.K. Razdan and P.N. Razdan ...19

Studies on Plasma Copper and Protein Levels of Healthy Lactovegetarian Medical Students : R.M. Vaidya ...27

Estimation of 5-Hydroxytryptamine in Normal Human Pregnancy : S.K. Ganeriwal and S.C. Sen ...37

Effect of Amidopyrine on Reactive Hyperemia in Human Subjects·-A Preliminary Report : R.C. Shukla, G.S. Tandon and S. Benzarnin ...43

Some Observations on the Study of Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase in Health and in Diseases of the Liver : M.L. Pai ... 45

Letter to Editor

Quinidine Like Activity of 'Y-Aminobutyric Acid : S.L. Agarwal and B.S. Deshmankar ...55

