Mechanism of Action of Ahypoglycemic Principle
Isolated from Fenugreek Seeds
Department of Biochemistry,
University College of Medical Sciences,
Dilshad Gardan, Delhi – 110 095
(Received on January 16, 2002)
Mechanism of action of an orally active hypoglycemic principle
isolated from water extract of seeds of Trigonella foenum graecum
(fenugreek) was investigated in alloxan induced subdiabetic and
overtly diabetic rabbits of different severities. The active principle
was orally administered to the subdiabetic and mild diabetic rabbits
(five in each group) at a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight for 15
days. The treatment produced significant attenuation of the glucose
tolerance curve and improvement in the glucose induced insulin
response, suggesting that the hypoglycemic effect may be mediated
through stimulating insulin synthesis and/or secretion from the
beta pancreatic cells of Langerhans. Prolonged administration
of the same dose of the active principle for 30 days to the severely
diabetic rabbits (n = 5) lowered fasting blood glucose significantly,
but could elevate the fasting serum insulin level to a much lower
extent, which suggests an extra-pancreatic mode of action for
the active principle. The effect may also be by increasing the
sensitivity of tissues to available insulin. The hypoglycemic
effect was observed to be slow but sustained, without any risk
of developing severe hypoglycemia.
Key words:
trigonella foenum graecum fenugreek
– diabetic glucose tolerance
test insulinotropic
II diabetes (non-insulin diabetes mellitus or NIDDM) is a major
health problem because of its high frequency, long duration and
high risk of chronic complications. At present, second and third
generation sulfonylureas are the oral pharmacological agents used
to counteract insulin secretion deficiency in this disease (1).
But their long-term use produces undesirable side effects, such
as skin rashes, dilutional hyponatremia, transient leukopenia,
thrombocytopenia, skin rashes, myocarditis, severe hypoglycemia
and increased chances of cardiovascular death of unknown mechanism.
This highlights the importance of searching for an alternative
disease therapy strategy with drugs which not only have insulinotropic
effect but increase insulin sensitivity also. Plants have long
been a source of traditional antidiabetic medicines (2, 3). Evaluation
of these plants and especially their natural active substances
is a logical way of developing new drugs to treat NIDDM. We have
isolated an orally active principle called GII from
fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) seeds, which elicits
significant hypoglycemic effects in alloxan-diabetic animal models
of varying severities: alloxan recovered, mild diabetic and sever
diabetic (Radha Moorti et al; Puri et al, unpublished data). Mode
of action of the active principle is reported in the present study.
hypoglycemic agents act in more than one way. Stimulation of synthesis/release
of insulin from pancreatic beta cells (i.e., insulinotropic effect)
is an important mechanism of action in a number of plant products
(4). Possible insulinotropic effect of the GII fraction
was investigated in the present study by orally feeding the GII
fraction to the alloxan diabetic rabbits for fifteen days and
comparing glycemic control and serum insulin levels before and
after the treatment. Serum insulin and blood glucose assays were
made in the fasting state and during a glucose tolerance test,
and the pretreatment and the post-treatment values were compared
to observe how the treatment influences serum insulin and blood
glucose levels.
material: A potent hypoglycemic principle isolated from water
extract of fenugreek seeds through a series of chromatographic
techniques was used in the present study. The active principle
termed GII was found to be different from trigonelline.
The details of the method of isolation of GII is not
given here since patent is applied for the isolation.
Inbred male albino rabbits weighing between 700 g and 1000 g and
age 2 - 2.5 months, used in the present study, were screened for
any abnormality of glucose homeostasis by an oral glucose tolerance
test before induction of diabetes by alloxan. Aqueous solution
of alloxan monohydrate was injected intravenously through the
marginal ear vein of the animals, fasted overnight, at a dose
of 80 mg/kg body weight. Fasting blood glucose (FBG) was determined
and glucose tolerance test (GTT) was performed once every week
for a period of 4 weeks to monitor the hyperglycemic state. The
rabbits that developed hyperglycemia were arbitrarily divided
in three groups of five each; the subdiabetic, the mild diabetic
and the severely diabetic.
- The
subdiabetic or the alloxan-recovered rabbits (AR) have near
normal or slightly elevated FBG (below 120 mg/dl) but have elevated
glucose tolerance curve (5).
- The
mild diabetic rabbits have elevated FBG (120-250 mg/dl) and
abnormal glucose tolerance as well.
- The
severely diabetic rabbits (SD) have severe hyperglycemia (>
250 mg/dl). GTT was avoided in these rabbits because they showed
high mortality with this test.
estimations: Blood glucose was estimated by glucose oxidase-peroxidase
method (6). Serum was obtained and stored at –20°C prior to determination
of insulin level. Serum insulin was determined by ELISA (7) using
a commercially available kit (Boehringer Mannheim Immunodiagnostic,
trial: Since aim of the present study is to observe how GII
fraction would influence serum insulin level, insulin assays
were made before and after treatment with GII fraction
and the corresponding values were compared. A daily oral dose
of 50 mg/kg body weight of the GII fraction, which
was found to be maximally active in our preliminary studies in
lowering blood glucose, was administered in the present study.
Initially, the pre-treatment basal values of blood glucose and
serum insulin were estimated in the fasting state and during a
glucose tolerance test in the subdiabetic and the MD rabbits.
A 10% solution of D-glucose at a dose of 3 g/kg body weight was
orally administered after the withdrawal of blood sample (for
glucose and insulin assay) at the end of 16 hours of fasting.
More samples were collected for these estimations after 1 h and
2.5 h of the glucose load. This was followed by 15 days of GII
therapy where daily oral administration of GII fraction
(50 mg/kg body weight) was carried out for the next 15 days. The
post-treatment values of blood glucose and serum insulin were
then determined in the fasting state and during OGTT. The corresponding
pre-treatment and post-treatment values were compared: fall in
blood glucose level if any would indicate hypoglycemic effect,
and elevation of serum insulin response would indicate beta-cryotropic
(or insulinotropic) effect of the GII fraction.
stated above, OGTT was not performed in SD rabbits. Therefore
blood glucose and serum insulin levels in these animals were determined
in the fasting state only, before and after the GII
I shows the levels of blood glucose and serum insulin in normal
rabbits during glucose tolerance test, i.e., after oral glucose
load; and Table II shows these parameters in the subdiabetic and
mild diabetic rabbits. Serum insulin levels, estimated in each
of the fasting and post-oral glucose load samples on the first
day of the study( day 1,) showed that the fasting insulin levels
were nearly the same in the alloxan recovered (AR or subdiabetic)
rabbits as those of the normal rabbits. The same is true of fasting
blood glucose values. Since abnormalities in the AR rabbits is
only in the glucose tolerance, the 1 h and the 2.5 h blood glucose
values (on day 1) were significantly higher than the corresponding
values of the normal rabbits, while the serum insulin levels were
decreased compared to normal rabbits. But treatment with the GII
fraction for fifteen days brought about significant fall in blood
glucose in the 1 h sample (220 ± 19 mg/dl to 140 ± 16.7 mg/dl)
and the 2.5 h sample (188 ± 12.3 mg/dl to 108 ± 14.2 mg/dl), which
were significant (P < 0.01). Serum insulin levels improved
from 19.8 ± 2 µU/ml to 29.8 ± 2.1 µU/ml in the 1 h sample and
from 10.9 ± 2.1 µU/ml to 28.4 ± 5.5 µU/ml in the 2.5 h sample:
these elevations were also significant (P<0.01). Thus, administration
of GII fraction for fifteen days brought down the blood
glucose levels considerably, and this was associated with elevation
of the serum insulin levels both in the fasting and the post-prandial
conditions. Similar results were observed in the mild diabetic
rabbits also where the blood glucose levels in the fasting as
well as the post prandial condition were significantly brought
down (40%) to normal values by 15 days of treatment with GII
(Table II). Moreover, the post-treatment levels of serum insulin
in the fasting, 1h and 2.5h samples were significantly higher
than the corresponding pre-treatment levels. Thus, administration
of the GII fraction does elicit a significant blood
glucose lowering effect. An important observation is that it does
not bring about any dangerous hypoglycemic reaction, which is
an additional advantage.
I: Glucose induced insulin response in the normal rabbits.
±SD of five animals)
II: Effect of 15 days administration of GII on glucose induced
insulin secretion in the subdiabetic (AR) and mild diabetic (MD)
Group and Parameters
!SD of five
in each group)
Serum Insulin
Plasma Glucose
Mild diabetic
Serum Insulin
Plasma Glucose
the severely diabetic rabbits, the GII treatment for
30 days elicited significant hypoglycemic effect – the FBG decreased
from 42.8 ± 46 mg/dl to 110.1 ± 11 mg/dl (74% fall), but without
a corresponding increase (15%) in the serum insulin level (Fig.
1). Although the FBG level after treatment reached normal level,
the serum insulin level was still much lower than in normal animals.

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short period of drug therapy improved glucose tolerance in subdiabetic
and MD rabbits in 15 days, and brought down FBG to normal levels
in 15 and 30 days respectively in MD and SD rabbits. The improvements
in glucose tolerance in subdiabetic and MD rabbits after the treatment
occurred simultaneously with an enhancement of serum insulin levels.
The serum insulin increased to normal levels in subdiabetic rabbits.
But in MD rabbits the increased insulin level was still below
that in normal. This suggests that the improvement in subdiabetic
rabbits is mediated via increased insulin secretion. Among the
factors capable of stimulation of insulin secretion, glucose enjoys
a prominent position and GTT is still considered to be the best
test for endocrine pancreatic function.
direct relationship between levels of serum insulin and glucose
is well known. The administration of the GII fraction
to diabetic animals has a significant influence on the serum insulin
response to an oral glucose load: the response is greater in the
treated than the untreated diabetic rabbits. The improved response
shows that the active principle possibly mimics the effects of
sulphonylureas in stimulating serum insulin levels in diabetes
with residual pancreatic beta cell integrity.
the MD rabbits, the favourable response of bringing down the FBG
to normal levels, even through increase in serum insulin was not
upto the normal level, suggests two mechanisms of actions occur
side by side. One is increase in insulin levels and the other
is probably increase in sensitivity of the tissues to the available
insulin. The latter is a great advantage in case of type II diabetes
mellitus. The combined response of increased secretion after oral
glucose and probably increase in insulin sensitivity lead to better
glucose utilization in GII treated rabbits. It can,
however, not be stated whether increased synthesis or increased
release of insulin from beta cells accounts for increased serum
insulin level. An added advantage with the GII therapy
is that, unlike sulfonylureas which may lead to severe hypoglycemic
episodes, us of GII is not associated with any such
severely diabetic rabbits, after daily administration of GII
for one month, even though there was 74% fall in the fasting blood
glucose levels from 427.8 ± 46 mg/dl to 110.1 ± 11 mg/dl, the
increase in the insulin levels were marginal only (Fig. 1). Such
small increase in serum insulin levels can cause only a mild reduction
in blood glucose level but cannot account for the observed hypoglemic
effect of the drug, which is quite pronounced.
suggests that the hypoglycemic effect of GII is mainly
due to extra-pancreatic factors in the severely diabetic animals
and to a slight extent to increased sensitivity of tissues to
available insulin (as see in MD rabbits). Slight increase in the
serum insulin levels might be due to stimulation of few surviving
beta cells. The extrapancreatic effects may be due to enhanced
insulin-receptor binding, or induction/stimulation of activities
of enzymes of glucose utilization. Further biochemical and histopathological
studies are necessary to clarify the point whether GII
treatment reverses the necrotic action of alloxan, as shown in
case of catechin (8), a plant flavonoid.
conclusion, our results show that the purified compound GII
brings about its hypoglycemic effect by a combination of three
mechanisms: 1) increasing the levels of serum insulin, 2) increasing
the sensitivity of tissues to insulin action, and 3) stimulating
the activity of enzymes of glucose utilization depending on the
needs in subdiabetic, mild diabetic and severe diabetic situation.
Thus it seems to cover a broad range of situations in diabetes
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