J Physiol Pharmacol 2002;46 (4);
Peroxidation in Different Tissues: Effect of High Cholesterol and
Fish Oil in the Diet
*Department of Biochemistry,
Kasturba Medical College,
Manipal – 576 119
**Department of physiology
Kasturba Medical College,
Manipal – 576 119
(Received on August 28, 2001)
Malonyldialdehyde was measured in erythrocytes, aorta and spleen
on feeding mice with high cholesterol diet in presence and absence
of fish oil. Mice were grouped as:
I : Control laboratory diet
II : 0.16% cholesterol (sunflower oil)
III : 1.16% cholesterol (sunflower oil)
IV : 1.16% cholesterol (fish oil)
After 7 weeks
on their respective diets, erythrocytic, and splenic MDA levels
were significantly higher in group III compared to controls. Also,
MDA levels in aorta and spleen showed a significant increase in
group IV males compared to group III males. However in group IV
the erythrocyte MDA levels were almost equal to that in controls.
This suggests that high cholesterol diet increases lipid peroxidation
in erythrocytes, spleen and aorta. Addition of fish oil in the diet
further increases lipid peroxidation in aorta and spleen, but not
in the erythrocytes.
Key words:
lipid peroxidation malonyldialdehyde
fish oil
high cholesterol diet
dietary habits have been reported to be associated with the risk
of atherosclerotic plaque formation. It has been observed that diets
rich in fish are associated with a decrease in the incidence of
atherosclerosis and that is related to the n-3 fatty acid content
of fish (1). Lipid peroxidation has been implicated in a variety
of processes including atherogenesis (2). It has been suggested
that an increased intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids increases
the lipid peroxidation in plasma and in lipoproteins. The n-3 fatty
acids present in fish oil have been shown to increase lipid peroxidation
by various authors (3, 4, 5). Others have reported no increase in
lipid peroxidation in women on dietary fish oil, but have reported
an increase in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in plasma
on dietary fish oil compared to other oils (6). Introduction of
dietary fish oil has reported to induce an oxidative stress in hepatocytes
in rats (7). In the present study, we have made an attempt to evaluate
the extent of lipid peroxidation by estimating the malonyldialdehyde
(MDA) in various tissues.
study was designed to evaluate the influences of varying the dietary
cholesterol content and the addition of fish oil on the levels of
MDA in various tissues in mice. Swiss albino mice of male and female
sex were included in the study separately as the serum cholesterol
levels of females were influenced by hormones (8). Male animals
were divided into four groups:
I (n = 10): Normal laboratory diet containing 8% of the calories
provided by lipid and containing negligible amounts of cholesterol.
Group II (n = 10) : 0.16 gm% cholesterol
diet and 1.6 gm% as sunflower oil per 100 gm of diet with 25% of
calories provided by dietary lipids (25 Cals/1 100 Cals).
III (n = 10): 1.6 gm% cholesterol diet and 1.6 gm% as sunflower
oil per 100 gm diet with 25% of calories provided by dietary lipids.
IV (n = 9): 1.6 gm% cholesterol diet and 1.6 gm% as fish oil per
100 gm diet with 25% of total calories provided by dietary lipids.
mice were similarly divided into the four groups (n =4, n = 8, n
= 6, n = 6) respectively. All the diets were prepared in the laboratory
considering the normal daily requirements of various nutrients.
The diets were started once the mice were four weeks old. Serial
body weights were measured once every week to monitor the weight
gain in the animals. The animals were sacrificed after seven weeks
on their respective diets. Blood was obtained by decapitation using
citrate as the anticoagulant. Blood samples were preserved in ice
until analysis. Aorta was obtained from the root of the aorta until
the bifurcation of the aorta. Aorta and spleen obtained were preserved
in chilled normal saline until homogenization. Analysis of MDA as
thiobarbituric acid reacting substances in erythrocytes, aorta and
spleen were performed on the same day.
in erythrocytes was estimated by the method of Jain et al (9). Hemoglobin
concentration was estimated by using the Drabkin’s reagent (10).
MDA was estimated by using the extinction coefficient of MDA-TBA
complex at 532 nm = 1.56 x 105/cm/M. MDA values were
expressed in nanomoles/gm of hemoglobin. MDA was estimated in the
aortic and splenic homogenates (10% w/v) as TBA reacting substances
(11). Tissue protein content was estimated by Folin Lowry’s method.
MDA was expressed as nanomoles/mg of protein. Serum cholesterol
was estimated by the cholesterol oxidase peroxidase method (Ranbaxy
kit method).
analyses were performed by using Statview version 3 software package.
Analyses were done between the groups by the unpaired ‘t’ test.
Correlation coefficient was used for correlation analysis. Correlation
was also confirmed by Fisher’s r to z test.
serum cholesterol and MDA levels in spleen, aorta and erythrocytes
(mean ± SD) in males and
females in all groups of animals are given in Tables II and I. Increasing
the dietary cholesterol content has increased the serum cholesterol
level in both males and females (P = 0.001, P = 0.01, group II vs.
group III). In mice fed with high cholesterol diet (Group III),
there was an increase in serum cholesterol compared to controls.
However, there was a significant decrease in serum cholesterol in
mice on fish oil diet (Group IV) compared to group III (P = 0.0001,
P = 0.0001) and Group I (P = 0.0001, P = 0.01) in both males and
MDA levels in erythrocytes have significantly increased in mice
of Group III compared in group I in males and females indicating
that increasing cholesterol content of the diet has increased the
lipid peroxidation in the erythrocytes. However, in the fish oil
group (group IV), the MDA levels are significantly lower compared
to group III, despite the high dietary cholesterol content in group
IV (P = 0.0004, P = 0.003), in males and females. Also, the mean
MDA levels in erythrocytes of group IV are not significantly different
when compared to control in males and females (P = 0.58, P = 0.09).
Significant correlation between serum cholesterol and MDA in erythrocytes
was observed in both males and females as shown in Fig. 1. The high
dietary cholesterol has increased the MDA in erythrocytes, indicating
that erythrocytes are exposed to an oxidative stress in the presence
of cholesterol. And also, it has been observed that dietary fish
oil has a hypocholesterolemic effect as well as a protective effect
against lipid peroxidation in erythrocytes.

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I: The serum cholesterol, MDA levels in erythrocytes, spleen and
aorta (Mean ± SD) in males of all groups is given.
= 10)
= 10)
= 10)
= 9)
Cholesterol (mg/dl)
in erythrocytes (nanomoles/gm
in spleen (nanomoles/ mg
in Aorta (nanomoles/mg
groups were compared to controls (group I)
P= <0.0001
I: Controls
II: 0.16% cholesterol, 25% fat
III: 1.6% cholesterol, 25% fat
IV: 1.6% cholesterol, 25% fat (fish liver oil)
TABLE II: The serum
cholesterol, MDA levels in erythrocytes, spleen and aorts (Mean
± SD) in females of all groups in given.
= 4)
= 8)
= 6)
= 6)
Serum Cholesterol (mg/dl)
MDA in erythrocytes (nanomoles/gm
of hemoglobin)
MDA spleen (nanomoles/
of protein)
MDA in Aorta (nanomoles/
of protein
groups were compared to controls (group I)
P= <0.0003
I: Controls
II: 0.16% cholesterol, 25% fat
III: 1.6% cholesterol, 25% fat
IV: 1.6% cholesterol, 25% fat (fish liver oil)
MDA levels in aorta have increased in group III compared to group
I and group II (P = 0.0002, P = 0.0001) in both males and females.
In contrast to the MDA in erythoryctes, the MDA in aorta has increased
in mice of the fish oil group (group IV) compared to group I in
males. However in females the increase in MDA levels in group IV
is not statistically significant compared to group I. The aortic
MDA levels in group IV mice are significantly higher than in group
III in males (P = 0.02). However, in females the increase in aortic
MDA levels in group IV is not statistically significant compared
to group III.
MDA levels are also increased in mice of group III and they have
further increased in group IV compared to controls in both males
and in females. The MDA levels in spleen are significantly higher
in mice of group IV compared to group III (P = 0.01) in males, however
such a difference was not observed in females.
above results indicate that a high dietary cholesterol content increases
the MDA levels in erythrocytes, spleen and aorta, implying an increase
in lipid peroxidation in the presence of cholesterol. There is an
increased lipid peroxidation observed in the tissues such as spleen
and aorta in the presence of fish oil. But erythrocytes are protected
from peroxidation in the presence of fish oil in the diet.
our study we have observed a significant decrease in serum cholesterol
in mice on a diet containing fish oil. However, the effect of fish
oil on serum cholesterol level is varied. Many authors (3, 12, 13)
have observed a decrease in serum cholesterol in the presence of
dietary fish oil. An increase in serum cholesterol has been observed
on a diet rich in n-3 fatty acids (14). Higgins et al have reported
that, in low doses fish oil has no effect on serum cholesterol (15).
Falx seed, which is a rich source of n-3 fatty acids, has been reported
to decrease the severity of atherosclerosis without decreasing serum
cholesterol level (16).
have found an increase in MDA levels in aorta and spleen in animals
on dietary fish oil, indicating that incorporation of fish oil in
the diet increases lipid peroxidation in these tissues. This may
be because of the incorporation of polyunsaturated fatty acids present
in fish oil, into these tissues. These polyunsaturated fatty acids
are more prone to oxidative damage, thus increasing MDA levels in
these tissues. Similar increase in MDA levels in aorta has been
reported to be increased on feeding animals with high cholesterol
diet (17, 18) and in the presence of fatty streak lesions in aorta
(19). There are also reports that endothelial cells (20) and membranes
(21) were more susceptible to oxidant damage in the presence of
dietary fish oil. There is also an increased susceptibility to the
oxidative modification of LDL in the presence of fish oil in the
diet (4, 22). An increase in MDA level in spleen homogenates in
mice fed fish oil diets has also been reported by Avula et al (5).
Such lipid peroxidative damage may be decreased by the incorporation
of vitamin E which is an antioxidant suggested by some authors (21,
22). Bruckner has suggested that incorporation of fish oil in the
diet without adequate vitamin E supplementation may be deleterious
to the vascular endothelium because of the oxidative stress imposed
by the polyunsaturated fatty acid content of fish oil (22). Brown
and Wahle reported an increase in plasma TBA reacting substances
in group with fish oil supplementation and with the addition of
vitamin E (23). There are also reports of an increase in initial
foam cells in the aorta of animals on fish oil (24).
in our study, we have found that the erythrocytes are not influenced
by the presence of fish oil in the diet. In fact the MDA levels
in the erythrocytes are significantly decreased despite the high
dietary cholesterol content in the fish oil group, implying that
dietary fish oil is protective against lipid peroxidative damage
caused by the high cholesterol diet. Contrary to our findings, Konukoglu
et al have reported no significant difference in MDA levels in RBC
of hypercholesterolemic and normocholesterolemic subjects (25).
our study there has been a significant decrease in serum cholesterol
level in mice fed with fish oil when compared to controls. This
could be due to the fact that polyunsaturated fatty acids in fish
oil increase the utilization and uptake of cholesterol. Intake of
fish oil increased the tendency for lipid peroxidation in spleen
and aorta but spares the erythrocytes.
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