Official organ of the Association of Physiologist and Pharmacologists of India |
There was no significant change in the food intake after one day and 7 days of stress exposure (Table I). But forced swimming stress increased food intake after two weeks of stress exposure compared to control group for the same duration (P<0.05, Mann Whitney 'U' test). Food intake decreased significantly after 21 days stress exposure, compared to one-day stress subgroups (P<0.05, Mann Whitney 'U' test) (Table II). There was a significant decrease in the blood sugar level in all the subgroups, compared to control group (P<0.001, Mann Whitney 'U' test and Bonferroni 't' test) (Table I and II). More significant decrease was seen up to 7 days stress exposure. But from one day stress to 21-day stress, there was a gradual increase in blood sugar level (P<0.01, Mann-Whitney 'U' test), but this blood sugar level after 21st day was significantly less than control group for the same duration. A significant increase in the water
intake was observed after forced swimming stress, throughout
the duration of stress (P<0.001, Mann-Whitney 'U' test and
Bonferroni 't' test) (Table I and II). Control animals showed
gradual increase in water intake from day one to 21 days (P<0.001,
Bonferroni 't' test), compared to the stressed animals for the
same duration. Urine output also decreased significantly in
the initial period of' exposure to the stressor up to 7 days
(P<0.01, Mann-Whitney 'U' test), but later increased significantly
after 14 days stress exposure compared to one day stress subgroup
(P<0.05, Bonferroni 't' test) (Table I and II).
DISCUSSIONIngestive behavior undergoes significant changes when experimental animals like rats are exposed to different kinds of stress. The forced swimming stress involves immersing the rat in a tub of water from which it cannot escape. This test procedure itself is physiologically stressful because it results in increased serum corticosterone and prolactin levels (18, 19). The observed change in body weight after forced swimming stress is in accordance with other reports already published (12, 20). The effect of stress appeared to be more marked in the initial period of exposure to the stress up to a period of 7 days. The body weight regained gradually after 14 days stress and 21 days stress exposure. This recovery back to normalcy after two weeks of stress could be attributed to the habituation to the stressful stimulus when the stress period was prolonged. In the present study, we observed no change in the food intake in animals up to 7 days of stress exposure. In spite of having normal food intake, the body weight decreased in animals, up to 14 days of' stress. Control rats displayed a normal growth curve, where as the experimental animals showed a persistent decrease in their body weight, and this was in spite of improvement in food intake over a period of 14 days.
Stress is well known to trigger CRH secretion, which could exert suppressive effect on the food intake in animals (21). The forced swimming stress might have suppressed CRH secretion from hypothalamus, which might explain the normal food intake, observed in this study up to 14 days in stressed rats. However, stress is also known to increase protein catabolism. Normal rats subjected to food deprivation can still maintain growth and minimise weight loss by increasing the efficiency of utilization of whatever food was taken during the 24-hour period (21, 22). Stress may hamper this mechanism. Therefore rats subjected to forced swimming continued to lose weight initially, in spite of normal food intake.
Forced swimming produced a decrease in water intake in rats throughout the 21 day schedule of stress duration, But the urine volume decreased only in the initial period of exposure to stress. The urine volume did not change up to 21 days stress period after the initial decrease up to 7 days; but the water intake decreased throughout the swimming stress duration. This could be due to the possibility of dehydration after swimming stress in animals, which is in accordance with other reports already published (23). At the same time this observation is contradictory to certain other reports where there was increased water intake and urine output after stress in rats (15, 24). Stress induced decrease in urine volume may be because of stress induced decrease in water intake and also may be due to a possible antidiuretic effect of stress per se (14, 25). In the present study, food intake and urine output changed only slightly after stress whereas water intake was reduced significantly resulting in a state of mild dehydration after swimming stress.
Response to stress is highly contradictory with regard to blood sugar levels. Studies related to stressful events and fluctuations in blood sugar have shown responses ranging from slight decrease, relative increase and no change in blood sugar (26, 27). In the present study, it was observed that stress produced severe hypoglycemia. This observation confirms the previous reports by Rodnick et al., (28) who observed a decrease in blood sugar level after physical training by either swimming or running. Some stressful stimuli like swimming are known to enhance insulin sensitivity in rats (29). It is possible that the increased insulin sensitivity after forced swimming caused the lower level of blood sugar in rats.
The response to stress was maximally
observed after 7 days of stress exposure in the various parameters
studied. When the stress period was prolonged to 14-21 days,
there was a gradual recovery back to near normal in the body
weight, water intake and urine output. From the forgoing it
can be observed that an acute stress like swimming, produces
significant change in ingestive behavior where as when the stress
becomes chronic the changes induced became non significant.
This type of behavior of the animals to prolonged stress could
be attributed to habituation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal
axis (30). For a given stress, the habituation may depend upon
several factors such as, the intensity of stress, the inter-session
time interval, inter-individual variability etc. Since habituation
developed following exposure to the same stressor, it is likely
to result from behavioral familiarization to that particular
type of stress. On the contrary, no habituation response was
observed in the blood sugar level after forced swimming stress
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