High altitude (HA) poses several operational problems to the
sojourners, soldiers as well as mountaineers. During, ascent
to HA, a progressive decrease in atmospheric oxygen pressure
severely affect the oxygen gradient between atmospheric air
and muscle. Maximum aerobic capacity is used as a performance
index and generally accepted as the best single measure of the
functional limit of the combined cardiovascular and respiratory
system to delivery adequate amount of oxygen to the active muscles
and demonstrate the capability of the muscle to use oxygen.
The decrement of maximal work capacity (VO2max) of
sojourners under HA hypoxic condition is well documented at
various altitudes during both acute and prolonged exposure (1-5).
The decrement of oxygen consumption is directly related to the
decrease in partial pressure of oxygen at HA (6, 7), even though
the rate and magnitude of decrease varies with the elevation,
mode of induction, status of hypoxic adaptation, exposure duration,
level of activity and sojourner's place (altitude) of birth/residency,
etc. (8, 9). Endurance trained athletes with larger aerobic
capacities (>60 ml/kg/min) appear to be selectively affected,
demonstrating larger declines in VO2max at altitude
(3,000-4,300 m) compared with the untrained individuals with
lower aerobic capacities (10-12). The completeness of pulmonary
gas exchange system may play a vital role in the individual
variation of this apparent training status/altitude/ VO2max
relationship (5, 12, 13). The decrease in arterial oxygen
saturation (SaO2) during maximal exercise at sea
level as well as mild and moderate altitudes have been reported
(2). It has been demonstrated that both SaO2 and
the ratio of lung diffusion capacity to VO2max during
maximal exercise is highly correlated to the decline in VO2max
from sea level to altitude (10, 12). Oxygen hemoglobin dissociation
curve is sigmoid in nature, which allows arterial PaO2
to be reduced during exercise to as low as 75-80 mm Hg with
only a small percentage reduction in SaO2 Once PaO2
falls below approximately 75 mmHg, a relative small change in
PaO2 begins to have much larger effect on SaO2.
Chapman et al (14) examined the relationship between the degree
of arterial oxygen desaturation during maximal exercise at sea
level in highly trained athletes and the decline in SaO2
and VO2max at a mild (simulated) altitude.
However, no field study appears to have been carried out to
evaluate the effects of mountaineering training on the changes
in exercise oxygen consumption as well as the changes in SaO2
to a standard exercise under hypoxic conditions on women
residents of moderate altitude and plains. The mountaineering
training course conducted by Himalayan Mountaineering Institute
(HMI), Darjeeling, India provided an unique opportunity of carrying out this
field study on women during mountaineering training in the Eastern Himalayas. The purpose of the present study
was to determine the response changes in end exercise VO2
and SaO2 during standard exercise at 2100 m and 4350
m on 2 groups of women, due to mountaineering training with
altitude adaptation, inducted gradually by trekking to 4350
m with a view to evaluate the performance relationship between
the native women of moderate altitude and the plains dwelling
were conducted on 20 women trainees, who had come to Himalayan
Mountaineering Institute (HMI), Darjeeling (2100m) for a basic mountaineering
course. The subjects were selected randomly from a total strength
of 63 trainees. They all were Indians and belonged to middle
class socioeconomic status. Out of these, 10 were residents
of moderate altitude (2000-2100 m) and the remaining 10 belonged
to the different plain regions (altitude not more than 260m)
of India. Maximum care was taken to match both
the groups in respect of age, height and body weight. After
a practice run of the tests the volunteers gave informed consent.
They were also aware of their rights to withdraw from the experiments
at any time. The protocol was approved by the Ethic Committee
of the Institute. All the subjects were medically examined
to rule out any systemic illness. The personal history indicated
about their good health, active physique and high motivation.
The ambient temperature at Darjeeling during
The course of study ranged
between 7-21 ºC. The study was conducted in to phases : (i)
Initial pre-training recordings were carried out at HMI (2100
m), in the temperature maintained (16-20 ºC) MI room at the
commencement of the course. All the pre-climbed tests were
completed within three days of arrival of the subjects at HMI.
(ii) On induction to 4350 m by trekking the standard exercise
test was repeated after three days of sojourn at the base camp
of HMI (4350 m), inside the silver hut, where the temperature
was maintained between 17-20 ºC. All the tests were conducted
by the same group of observers with same set of equipment in
both the situations. Prior to the tests, the subjects rested
in the temperature maintained room for 30 – 35 min.
Pulmonary ventilation (VE
) and respiratory frequency (Rf) were recorded with the help
of ventilation monitor (P.K. Morgan, England) using a low resistance breathing valve fitted with mouth
piece and nose clip. Expired air was analyzed for O2 and
CO2 content by rapid response Zirconium O2
analyzer and 901-MK2 CO2 analyzer (P.K. Morgan, England). Heart rate was recorded by telemetric
method using sports tester (Model
PE = 3000, Finland). Arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2)
was measured with the help of a finger-oximeter (Nellcor, USA) calibrated before and after each study.
The standard exercise test was performed by using a portable
wooden stool of 30 cm high with 24 cycles/min for 5 min (modified
Harvard Step-Test for women). The same stool was used in both
phases to ensure uniformity in the step-test. In the absence
of any transport it was not possible to carry the heavy bicycle
ergometer to 4350 m by porter/yak. Under the circumstances in
the field situation, the observers had no choice but to perform
the standard exercise test on the wooden stool (modified Harvard
Step-Test for women). Harvard Step-Test is a standard method
of exercise for assessing physical performance, particularly
under field conditions. Sengupta et al (15) compared Harvard
StepTest "scores" of 20 soldiers with their 1 mile
running time in the field and had found this is a fairly good
method for measuring physical efficiency, which was comparable
with field performance. The O2 and CO2
analyzer modules of exercise test assembly (P.K. Morgan, England) were taken to HA separately. Monitoring
of Rf, VE ,V02, HR and SaO2 was done initially
and thereafter every min during exercise. VE was
corrected to BTPS and the VO2 and VCO2
were corrected to STPD. The criteria for the assessment of
VO2max includes (a) a heart rate in excess of 90%
of age predicted maximum (220 - age), (b) a respiratory exchange
ratio of >1.10 and (c) a plateau (<150 ml increase) in
VO2 with the increase in work. If at least two of
the three criteria were met, the highest VO2 recorded
was chosen as the subject's VO2max.
At Darjeeling, the subjects had to undergo a rigorous
training schedule of mountaineering activities for a period
of one week from early morning till late evening with intermittent
breaks. After a week's training, they set their journey to
the base camp (4350 m). The trainees were transported (160
km) by bus (day-1) from Darjeeling to Yoksom (2200m). Next morning (day-2)
all the trainees trekked for about 15 km and reached Bhakim
(2750 m( in 5-7 h where they stayed for the next day (day-3)).
On day-4, the subjects ascent on foot to Zamlingaon (3660 m)
after crossing over a height of 4500 m, covering a distance
of 12 km in 5 - 7 h and halted there for the next day (day-5)
for acclimatization. On day 6 the trainees about 14 km in
5-7 h and reached base camp of HMI at Chaurikhang (4350
m), located at the base of the peak Kanchanjangha, in the Eastern Himalayas.
The trekkers were trekking at about 23 km/h for 5-6 h each day,
while carrying about 15 kg, load on their body. During stay
at intermittent altitudes of 2750 m and 3660 m as well as at
4350 m the subjects were hiked to higher elevation and brought
back to the camp. They were also engaged in different mountaineering
activities for 4 - 5 h each day, which was an integral part
of the training schedule for acclimatization. Thus, the subjects
experienced greatest physical strain while trekking to base
camp as well as during sojourn.
On day 7-16 all the subjects stayed at 4350 m in the hut made
of metal sheets fitted with bunks and used winter clothing.
There they had undergone intense mountaining activities like
glacier -marching, ice cutting, peak assault, back packing,
repelling, rock climbing etc. and were engaged in snow bound
field areas at higher elevations in the forenoon and nearby
camp areas in the afternoon. The maximum and minimum ambient
temperatures at the base camp during the period of study were
+10 ºC and –7 ºC, respectively. The clear sunshine and partial
cloudiness during the day with occasional snowfall and high
velocity wind are the characteristic features of environment
Two way classification of analysis of variance technique using
Newman Keuls multiple range test has been used for the statistical
analysis of the data, to compare the same group at different
situations. Unpaired t-test for the comparison of two different
groups for each situation has been used. Mean ± SD values are
presented in the text/tables and P<0.05 has been used as
level of significance.
Physical characteristics of both the groups are quite similar.
The mean ± S.D value of age and height for moderate altitude
women were 20.2 ± 2.6 yrs and 150.5 ± 5.6 cm and for the low
altitude women were 21.1 ± 3.4 yrs and 156.5 ± 4.1 cm, respectively.
The body weight showed very negligible fluctuations. The values
being 46.4 ± 6.4 and 46.7 ± 6.3 kg for moderate altitude women
and 47.5 ± 5.6 and 47.4 ± 5.4 kg for low altitude women respectively,
at 2100 m and 4350 m. The initial resting SaO2values
(98%) were similar for both the groups at 2100 m altitude.
On gradual ascent to 4350 m both the groups showed significant
reduction (P<0.001) in SaO2. The values being
89% and 87.1% respectively, for moderate altitude and plains
dwelling women. The magnitude of all (2%) was comparatively
(P<0.05) more for the plains dweller at HA. Data of standard
exercise tests for both the groups at 2100 m and 4350 m are
presented in Table I. It appears from the responses of different
variables that women from the plains have achieved end exercise
VO2 value almost to the level of VO at both the altitude
locations, as has been judged by the fact that, subjects of
this group met two of the three criteria for assessment of VO2max.
The subjects of this group were exhausted completely by the
end of 5 min exercise. Whereas the moderate altitude women
did not appear to have achieved VO2max under the
same circumstances. The subjective opinion of the volunteers
of' this group (moderate altitude women) were that they would
have continued the step test exercise for furthermore time to
reach maximum VO2 (VO2max). It appears,
they required higher stimulus for attainment of exercise oxygen
consumption to VO2max level. During exercise at
4350 m low altitude women showed a significant reduction in
exercise VO2 values compared to that of their own
record at 2100 m (42.47 ± 4.12 ml/kg/min Vs 40.04 ± 4.26 ml/kg/min;
P<0.05), whereas the native women of moderate altitude did
not demonstrate any marked reduction in oxygen consumption (37.44
± 5.11 ml/kg/min Vs. 36.79 ± 4.66 ml/kg/min) at the end of exercise
at 4350 m. The SaO2 values of low altitude women
reached 86.80 ± 1.65 % during standard exercise at 2100 m, as
against their resting value of 98% (D 11.2%).
click for full view |
I: Mean ± S.D. values of various physiological parameters
of both the groups during standard exercise at 2100 and
4150 m.
This reduction in end exercise SaO2 value is significantly
(P<0.05) more compared to that of the values of moderate
altitude women (90.60 ± 0.97 %; D 7.4%). During
standard exercise at 4350 m, SaO2 values decreased
further to 71.20 % and 77.3 % respectively for the women of
plains and moderate altitude. This indicates a fall of 26.8
% and 20.7 % respectively, compared to the initial resting value
of' 98 % at 2100 m. When compared with the resting SaO2
values at 4350 m, the reduction in SaO2 during exercise
were 15.9 % and 11.7 % respectively, for low and moderate altitude
women. Thus the magnitude of fall in SaO2
during exercise was markedly pronounced in plains dwelling women
compared to their counterparts of moderate altitude. Pulmonary
ventilation, respiratory frequency and ventilatory equivalent
for oxygen increased significantly at 4350 in, while the exercise
HR showed a reduction in both the groups. The resting HR of
both the groups recorded initially at 2100 m showed significantly
(P<0.01) elevated value in low altitude women. On induction
to 4350 m HR rose similarly for both the groups
which were moderate but significant (P<0.01).
unique feature of the present study was that, the women trainees
reached 4350 m gradually by trekking under progessive hypoxia
at increasing altitude following staging acclimatization, associated
with rigorous mountaineering activities. Immediately on reaching
at 4350 m, they were undergoing regular mountaineering activities,
without showing, any clinical manifestations of severe fatigue
or strain. None of these women exhibited any symptoms of discomfort
or acute altitude sickness. They all ate well, slept well,
worked well with maintenance of body weight. The maintenance
of body weight at HA is an interesting observation which has
been described elsewhere.
The decrease in SaO2 on exposure to HA in all the
subjects is due to hypoxia. At HA the reduced oxygen supply
to the blood decreases SaO2 even after an increase
of HR. The rise in HR increases cardiac output to compensate
for the decrease in blood oxygenation (16, 17), though the magnitude
of fall in SaO2 was comparatively less in moderate
altitude women. This advantage may be primarily due to their
place (altitude) of birth/residency. The factors responsible
for this difference between the groups may be due to different
climate, physical environment, normal daily routine, social
culture, pattern of living as well as status of acclimatization.
The result of the present study indicate that the oxygen
consumption of the plains dwelling females born and raised at
altitude not more than 260 m) to a standard exercise at 2100
m, has apparently reached the level of VO2max, with
marked reduction in SaO2 (D 11.2%). As expected with same schedule
of exercise, at 4350 m, the exercise VO2 decreased
with further reduction in SaO2values. On the contrary,
with same level of work intensity at same situation (2100 m)
the oxygen consumption of the native women of moderate
altitude (born and raised at 2000 – 2100 m) did not appear to
have achieved VO2max with maintenance of higher level
of exercise SaO2. On induction to 4350 m by trekking
resulting gradual acclimatization, no marked change was observed
in exercise VO2 compared to their initial performance
at 2100 m. The magnitude of fall in SaO2 during
standard exercise at 4350 m was also less compared to that of
the values of low altitude women. The observation of the better
maintenance of SaO2 during standard exercise at both
the study locations by the native women of' moderate altitude
compared to their counterparts, suggests that the low
altitude women are not able to overcome the higher degree of
pulmonary gas exchange limitations during exercise at both altitude
locations, which might have lost a compensatory reserve to defend
the hypoxic stress to exercise. Our results further indicate
that the magnitude of decline in arterial oxygen saturation
during standard exercise at 2100 m influence the ability to
defend exercise VO2 at higher altitude (4350 m).
Thus it can also be suggested that low altitude women who display
greater decline of end exercise SaO2 during standard
exercise at lower hypoxic condition (2100 m) are more prone
to decline in exercise O2 consumption at higher hypoxic
situation (4350 m), compared with moderate altitude women.
Evident conclusion can be made from these findings that the
moderate altitude women are better fit compared to low altitude
women with respect to hypoxic tolerance/HA performance.
Elliot and Atterbom (17) and Patterson
et al (18) observed that women tend to adapt to endurance training
at altitude in a manner similar to men and also capable of performing
hard work at high altitude. Gore et al (5) and Terrados et
al (2) observed that the reduced exercise SaO2 and
pulmonary gas exchange limitations must impose a greater susceptibility
to VO2max decline at mild altitude. Chapman et al.
(14) proposed that elite endurance athletes display varying
degrees of pulmonary gas exchange limitations during
maximal normoxic exercise and many demonstrate reduced arterial
oxygen saturation (SaO2) at VO2max. They
concluded that athletes who display reduced measures of SaO2
during maximal exercise in normoxia are more susceptible
to declines in VO2max in mild hypoxia compared with
the normoxic athletes. Their observations support our findings.
During maximal exercise vigorous hyperventilation occurs which
may results in maintaining SaO2 and VO2max
(19, 20). Increase in pulmonary ventilation during exercise
at high altitude can theoretically improve SaO2 by
raising the alveolar PO2 and by left shifting in
the oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve. In our studies, both
the groups showed significant increase in ventilation as well
as ventilatory equivalent for oxygen (VE/VO2
) to a standard exercise at 4350 m indicates alterations in
exercise ventilation in two different hypoxic situations might
affect the changing exercise VO2 . 'This appears
to be dependent upon ventilatory influences on SaO2
maintenance to some extent. Pulmonary gas exchange limitations
to exercise may also display in important role (21). Powers
et al. (22) suggested that pulmonary gas exchange limitations
caused a significant reduction of VO2max of approximately
1% for every 1% reduction in SaO2 below 92%. While
Chapman et al. (14) suggested approximately a 0.5 % reduction
in VO2max for every 1% drop in SaO2 below
92 %. During exercise at high altitude the study groups showed
varying degree of change in SaO2 between two hypoxic
conditions. The low altitude women showed (D 26.8%) fall of SaO2 and a significant reduction
in exercise VO2. It appears that the low altitude
women were not able to prevent exercise VO2 decrement
at high altitude even by significant increase in metabolic and
ventilatory demands. Whereas the moderate altitude women did
not achieve maximum oxygen uptake and maintained the almost
same exercise oxygen consumption as that of the initial value
at 2100 m with less fall in SaO2 (20.7%), even though
both the study groups undergone same protocol of mountaineering
training and same intensity of standard exercise test. Gore
et al. (5) demonstrated a significant reduction in VO2max
(5.3 ml/kg/min or 6.9%) in 11 elite level cyclists at
a very mild simulated altitude of 580 m. Again, the VO2max
of a physically active but untrained group did not change with
mild hypoxia. It has been suggested that pulmonary gas exchange
limitations and reduced exercise SaO2 present in
many endurance trained athletes must impose a grater susceptibility
to VO2 reduction at mild altitudes. In this study
both the groups undergone same training schedule throughout
the mountaineering course, thus it may not be due to the training
during the course alone. It can be suggested that, the maintenance
of oxygen consumption to a standard exercise at higher altitude
might be due to better ability to withstand more strain which
may be dependent on some other factors. The moderate altitude
women are forced to undergo physical exertion while carrying
out their normal daily activities due to rugged and steep hilly
terrain. Besides, being exposed (born and raised) to different
climate and physical environment these women differ in their
social culture and pattern of living. From very young age,
they are habitually climbing with or without load and this being
one of their major daily routines, whether it is for education
and/or occupation. The level of habitual physical activity
of these women associated with the daily schedule of work along
with intense mountaineering training might have exerted in considerable
influence on the level of aerobic capacity and thus improved
the capability to defend the hypoxic stress at high altitude.
Compared with the study of Chapman et al. (14), our approach
for better maintenance of SaO2 during a standard
exercise at both the altitude situations suggests a smaller
effect on pulmonary gas exchange limitations on oxygen consumption
in moderate altitude women and thus proved to be better fit
for hypoxic tolerance/HA performance.
authors are grateful to Col. H. S. Chauhan, VSM. Principal,
Major R. Verma, Medical Officer and staff of HMI, Darjeeling for providing all the facilities for
field trials. Warm thanks are due to all the women trainees
who volunteered as-subjects.
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